We discuss everything under the sun ? the concert of Mariah Carrey, the latest Avon cataloque, the noble misery of being a translator, a dream vacation in Spain (for two), Senator Obama's campaign? You name it. ... obobshtavash The Modern Life kato zabarzan i dinamichen, no ne na vseki chovek jivota e takav, ne vseki se bori s dve vishi obrazovaniq i ne vseki znae koi e B.Obama. (estestveno noviq katalog na Avon sashto ne e dostoqnie na vseobshtata publika, ha-ha). ...
way of life - whether it is peaceful or zabarzan? Small or large family have? How often have fun? What would you podhozhdalo more - interior easy or difficult to support? ? budget - if you do not have enough money for everything you ...